Updates December 19, 2024

A Fundraising Benefit Concert for Ukraine

We proudly announce that the total fundraising outcome of both events was $14,090 ($7,507 Port Moody & $6,584 Victoria).

A Fundraising Benefit Concert for Ukraine

We express our deepest gratitude to all the volunteers, businesses, and organizations arranging this fundraising concert. You are the real heroes! Your time and efforts are greatly appreciated, recognized, and valued.

We proudly announce that the total fundraising outcome of both events was $14,090 ($7,507 Port Moody & $6,584 Victoria). All proceeds were allocated to our Ukrainian Displaced Assistance Program (UDAP). Thanks to this program, we were able to help hundreds of Ukrainian families who were forced to seek refuge in Vancouver due to the war.

Whether it is a community night, art exhibition, gala concert, theater play, or intercultural festival, please keep joining, spreading the word about Ukraine, and inviting your local friends.

Now, more than ever, Ukraine needs our support. We know it might be tiring, but we must keep going. By doing so, we will continue to stand united as a nation. So please, keep coming, join most of the events you are available and interested in, spread the word, invite and bring your local network, and let’s keep helping Ukraine. Glory to Ukraine!

Hosted by:

The Inlet Theatre of the City of Port Moody on April 23rd of 2022.

The Dave Dunnet Community Theatre of the Oak Bay High School on April 24th of 2022.

With the sponsorship of:

The City of Port Moody

The Mayor of Port Moody Rob Vagramov

Tom Lee Music Store

Thomas Cook travel group

Chateau Victoria Hotel & Suites

Five Star Business

Save On Foods

Woodridge Homes led by Jamie Howard

Kateryna Andison stylist

Tetyana Golota ecostylist

Kalyna Catering

Silent Auction lots donators:

Helijet Charter Services

Cactus Club Coquitlam

Jenia Ria Photography

Eminence Skin Care

Anna Vagramova artist

Amavi Flower Studio

Platform 7 Coffee Brew Bar

Baba’s Beeswax

FAYNA Beauty Studio

The Full Basket butcher shop

The Wild Bunch flowers & foliage store

Gillian Ungless quilts artist

Cherry Berry Bee artists

Irene Nastenko’s books

Ana Orlova Kliri Photography

Joyride Beauty salon

Peter Zachary’s jewelry

Generations Real Estate Partners (RE/MAX Sabre Realty)

Vendors helping to raise funds:

Ukrainian BlueYellow Art

Maryna Mysiuk’s cookies

Bebrace jewelry

Irina Kurilyak & Nicole Callioux’s creative cookies

Vancouver Vyshyvanka

Alona Ulianets’s sweet table

KAFFI Espresso Bar

Svitlana Rostotska’s kitchen

Vsi Svoi handmade wreath


Vasyl Popadiuk, virtuoso violinist

Boris Sichon, percussionist and multi-instrumentalist

Boris Konovalov, grand piano

Yaroslava Tanko, vocal

Elena Nikitina, vocal

Denis Pak, vocal

Coquitlam Youth Orchestra  directed by Reg Quiring

Olha Goncharko, vocal

Deniz Guliyeva, violin

Iryna Graifer, piano

VCM Intermediate String Orchestra, directed by Tatiana Kostour


Olena Bondareva

Dimitri Krayzlyakh

Dmytro Haiovyi

Volunteering team:

Katia Luchyshyna - Program & Artists Manager

Olga Ruparelia - Event & Project Manager

Svitlana Kominko - Maple Hope Foundation, CEO

Julia Yushchenko - Maple Hope Foundation Finance Director

Olga Lebed -  Program & Artists, Backstage

Natalya Barnes - Program & Artists

Julia Oleksiuk - Graphic Designer

Anna Vagramova - Media & Venue

Yury Luchyshyn - Backstage

Anna Svikhnushin - Silent Auction & Marketing

Jenia Riashchenko - Marketing, Front of House

Anelia Mynzhasarova - Marketing & Fundrasing

Sam Kim - Fundraising

Anna Shubina - Video creator

Anton Shendryk - First Aid, Security, Front of House

Maksym Dudnyk - Security, Front of House

Irene Nastenko - Marketing, Silent Auction

Lukas Nastenko - Ticketing, Front of House

Stas Nastenko - Live Stream

Artem Nastenko - Live Stream

Dan Luch - Live Stream & Recording

Iulia Irytsiuk - Photography

Iryna Mitnovych - Videography

Konstantin Yushchenko - Liquor Management & Service

Veronika Mova - Marketing, Backstage

Olga Belkov - Marketing

Kristopher J Prince - Backstage

Maryna Karpenko - Front of House, 50/50 draw

Natalia Kovalchuk - Food Service, 50/50 draw

Kabaldina Liliana -  Food Service

Larysa Yangol - Food Service

Alina Asgari  - Costumier

Olivia Chorny - Social Media

Tatiana Kostour - Victoria’s Program support

Olga Goncharko - Victoria’s Event Planning support

Elizaveta Nenko - Victoria’s Food & Beverage Manager

Oksana Poberezhnyk - Victoria’s Marketing

Robert Herchak - Victoria’s Venue