Updates July 15, 2024

Food Bundles for Seniors and Families in De-Occupied Rural Areas

Reporting on our latest humanitarian effort to deliver aid to de-occupied villages in the Donetsk region.

In October 2023, our team, in partnership with the Ukrainian organization Frontline Volunteers, delivered aid to elderly individuals and large families in front-line and de-occupied villages near Kostyantynivka. The initiative delivered essential product bundles, which consisted of food and personal hygiene products valued at $2,500, to 98 recipients. The effort aimed to support those most affected by the war in areas heavily shelled and recently de-occupied. Notably, the delivery to Toretsk required military assistance due to the ongoing danger of shelling. This collective endeavor reflects the power of solidarity and compassion in bringing relief to communities grappling with the ongoing reality of the war in the eastern regions of Ukraine.